How to Make Your Dreams Come True!
Some might say you’re a dreamer, but you’re not the only one! A wise one that John Lennon! Do you ever get stuck between the dreaming of the perfect life and the tough reality? Well I might just call it life, but this position of being stuck gets extremely hard when we try to pursue our dream life…
Reality is that your dreams lie at the hand of you believing that you can have that life, no matter what. Yes, you can call it “faking it until you make it”, but believing that you are capable is how you can actually get there!
Many times we feel guilty for dreaming too big, because it’s too expensive, too hard, too far away, too everything… We think that dreaming of that is absurd and that that life will never be ours… FALSE! We have to start seeing dreaming as the fuel for everything we do in life. The fuel that allows us to believe the life we are living and to learn how to love it.
Today, I invite you to look away from all the preconceptions you have of what you are doing with your life and to allow yourself to dream. To gather all the reasons that help you believe that you are that person of dream LIFE, that you are enough! If you can dream it, YOU CAN LIVE IT!
Back when I was trying to learn Italian, I took 2 months of classes, but I wanted more of it to get to my dream point…I went abroad to Italy for a month and stayed at the home of a host family that took me in. They would only speak to me in Italian, as would my teachers and classmates. When I first got there I told myself that I was gonna come back being completely fluent.
I dared myself to live that dream. Every day, I would wake up and truly believe that I was speaking perfect Italian, even if I was completely butchering it every time, everyday. Even if I was saying all kinds of crazy things, as the weeks started to pass by I felt my dream starting to come to life. I remember getting asked by a woman on the bus “where in Italy are you from?”. I was completely shocked, someone else had also believed my dream life was true!
Sometimes dreaming about a perfect life is about believing that you are on your way to it. In other words: if you believe it, others will too. This fake-it-till-you-make-it mentality will actually be a very important part in living the dream!
Say you want to be a professional piano player at a bar in New York City, what do you do to make that dream come true?
First of all: you have to think of this “dream piano player” as you, not as an alternate person you look up to. Second: you have to think of what the you of the present has to do to get to that you of the future. Take proactive steps towards that dream: “I will practice, so that I can get into the Orchestra, so that I can be a professional player in NYC”. Third and most important part: allow yourself to believe that this dream WILL be true later on. Say “when I live in New York…” or “When I play professional…”, instead of “If I live there” or “I hope to play professional”.
Don’t shy away from your dream: be cocky, show it off, know that you have what it takes, and make it happen! Manifest your dreams into reality by believing they are true.
Now for the hard part to hear… Dreaming can be a beautiful thing to teach your kids and to live by, but letting yourself be a dreamer is setting yourself up for disappointment and letting go of other dreams. Sometimes the path to a dream life is not as dreamy as we would want it to be. In the path of believing that we want something, life can surprise us, and we are faced with the question of giving that dream up. Dreaming is easy, but it comes with one condition: being tough and decisive. Know when to stand your ground for a dream and when to truly let go.
Life can surprise us and confuse us, but those moments of cloudiness is when life puts us at our key moments: where we decide how bad we want something and how we will get it.
Are you willing to live the dream life or are you going to wake up from the dream and leave it all behind?